Returns and Exchanges
Returns and Exchanges
If you change your mind or you've ordered the incorrect size/style you can return them for are refund or an exchange. You can return orders up to 30 days from when you received your order. You should have received a returns form with your order, if not you can download the returns form here.
Any returned items must be received in the same condition they were when delivered and must be in a resellable condition.
You can also return the item(s) in-store. But please note they will not be able to process a refund in store, instead, they will need to contact the customer support team who will be able to issue the refund. The customer support team is only available Monday to Friday so returns delivered to the store over the weekend will be refunded Monday. They can, however, perform exchanges in-store without the need to contact customer support. Please complete the included returns form and return it with your item(s), not doing so may delay your refund/exchange. Orders placed between the 1st of November and the 31st of December can be returned until the 31st of January. Exceptions: For hygiene reasons, we cannot accept returns of underwear or face masks.
If you request a refund you will be refunded the full amount of the returned item(s) but you will only receive a refund on paid postage if the item was faulty or incorrect. You will need pay for your own return postage, this will not be refunded in addition to the product. We aim to get all refunds issued within 2 days of receiving your return but please allow up to 5 days (especially during busy periods). You will receive an email confirming your refund once it has been issued. Refunds will be made to the same payment method you used to place your order. Please allow up to 7 working days from receiving the confirmation email for the refund to appear in your bank. If the item you received is faulty or incorrect, please notify us by using the contact us form and return the item. Your item will be replaced provided stock availability or refunded in full. You will be provided with a free pre-paid Royal Mail returns label and you will not be deducted the return postage cost.
If you request an exchange, please list the item(s) (style, size and colour) you which to receive in exchange on the returns form that is included with your order.
Returns Address
Armclaim LTD
Management Offices
Middleton Shopping Centre
M24 4EL
United Kingdom